Monday, August 3, 2020

Freemason author behind a new Parsi-Christian Noahide ideology

If You Are Unfamiliar With The Noahide Laws vist:

Please See Our Sister Blog:
Exposing The Hindu American Foundation's Connections To Noahidism

I recently wrote a post on this blog (here) about how a Zoroastrian who was unknown to me had infiltrated www. zoroastrian and had invited James Robert Russell, professor of Near East, Iranian and Armenian Studies at Harvard, to be a guest speaker at a Noahide conference. Well I have found who was behind all of this and it is a Freemason author (and leader of an Odd Fellows' group)  and pseudu-Zoroastrian convert named Michele Moramarco who was born in Reggio Emilia, Italy, in  1953. I call him a pseudo-Zoroastrian convert as even though his article which I previously featured said he had converted to the Zarathustra religion, yet he is trying to develop some sort of universalist Mazdeo-Christian religion which incorporates the Noahide Laws, you can see this agenda in the title of his book "I Magi Eterni: Tra Zarathustra Gesu, Una Vidione Mazdeo-Christina", this is also claimed on his Wikipedia page (here). He also wrote a book on the Noahide Laws, "La celeste dottrina noachita" in 1994. His profile with his connections to Freemasonry and Noahidism is featured on the www. zoroastrian website. Don't forget, Freemasons are Noahides (here) and declared the Zoroastrians of India (Parsis) to be Noahides (here). There is most certainly a Freemason-Parsi-Noahide conspiracy taking root.

Wikipeida -

Michele Moramarco (Reggio Emilia, 6 October 1953) is an Italian author on Masonic ritual and history, a pop musician, and an advocate of Mazdean Christian Universalism.[1] He leads a group of Italian Oddfellows, who started a revival of the procedures followed by the "Loyal Aristarcus Lodge" (1730-1740), the oldest ascertained Oddfellows' unit.

www. Zoroastrian profile,Michele.htm

Michele Moramarco was born in Reggio Emilia, Italy, in  1953. He studied Philosophy and graduated in 1977 with a  dissertation  on the Indian thinker Shri Aurobindo. Later Michele specialized in Humanistic Psychotherapy, and authored numerous books and articles on various topics including: Freemasonry Studies (a Masonic Encyclopedia),  Non-violence, the Noachide universalistic tradition,  the psychological aspects of death and the history of comical theatre in Italy during the 60s. 

  1. On becoming a Zoroastrian in Italy

Indian starts dangerous new "Noahide Nazarene" mission

If You Are Unfamiliar With The Noahide Laws vist:

Please See Our Sister Blog:
Exposing The Hindu American Foundation's Connections To Noahidism

Jagannatha Prakash has created a new dangerous religion for India (or elsewhere) called "Noahide Nazarene". This new religion combines elements of both Christianity and Noahidism. What makes it so dangerous is that while the movement does not allow you to view Jesus quite as the Messiah, you are allowed to see him as a prophet, something not indicative of mainstream Noahidism. This is dangerous because this movement could easily attract Indian Christians as they do not need to give up Jesus exactly. However, under this new religion of Noahide Nazarene the command to set up courts of to administer the Noahide Laws are just as binding. Even though they have their own mission, they are willing to in some way work with and acknowledge the role of Jewish Rabbi in this matter. This movement expands the breadth of ideologies which could facilitate the rise of Noahide nationalism in India among Indian Christian who would be made all the more aggressive and violent by this Noahide adulteration. 

All four of his articles have been copied and pasted here for posterity, but they may be hard to read as they are, so just click on one of the links or the table of contents to go to the main website. 

"The Earth belongs to HaShem and the Fullness Thereof."

The Noahide Nazarene Way

By Jagannatha Prakash © 2003

Welcome! On this page, you will find an introduction to the Noahide Nazarene Way. You may have never heard of this belief before and that's OK, that's why this page was created! Here you will gain a basic understanding of the Noahide Movement in general as well the Noahide Nazarene Way in particular. May HaShem and our teacher Y'shua of Nazareth bless your desire to learn more about His Ways!

The Noahide Nazarene Way
An Overview:

The Noahide Nazarene Way

Genesis 8:15-9:28 presents the Noahide Covenant between HaShem and humanity. To read it, please go here. This Holy Covenant is binding upon all the descendants of Noah.

In addition to this Noahide covenant, HaShem established a separate covenant with the descendants of Abraham who came through his son Isaac's lineage, usually known as the Abrahamic Covenant. This covenant is directly binding only upon those of Isaac's descent and upon those who have converted into it, which is to say the Abrahamic Covenant is applicable only to the Jews to whom the Torah was revealed at Mount Sinai. This is because, as will be discussed below in more detail, to this people a unique task was given: the Jewish people serve as a special priesthood between HaShem and the inhabitants of the earth. For this reason, they are referred to as the Chosen People and the Suffering Servant. Also given to them were the books of the Nevi'im or Prophets and the Kethuvim or Writings. These three libraries combined are known as the Tanakh (T"orah"N"ev'im"KH"ethuvim), the Hebrew Scriptures or Hebrew Bible. To refer to these Holy Scriptures as the "Old Testament" is considered insulting to the Jews, all Noahides and to HaShem Himself as these Holy Scriptures are still in full effect and continue to reveal HaShem's Divine Will. These texts have never been replaced nor will they ever be.


According to the Nevi'im, one day a great and mighty priest/warrior/king will arise and lead the Israeli armies to victory over the entire earth, ushering in an age of peace and security. He will establish theocratic leadership as king of the Jewish people and bring blessings and stability to the entire earth, even as HaShem promised Abraham at Genesis 17:6-8:
And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.
And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.

This prophesied Jewish hero is referred to in Scripture as "The Anointed Leader" or Moshiach or Messiah by way of translation. A few leaders in the Tanakh are called moshiach, however this will be the final and greatest of Israel's warrior kings.

Throughout the centuries many people have risen claiming to be the Moshiach, but in every instance those who placed their hopes in such people were disappointed. To date, the main messianic prophecies of the Tanakh have yet to be fulfilled.

With the passage of time Y'shua ben Miriam was born, taught and then died. According to the Book The Acts of the Apostles, those who followed Master Y'shua were known as "the Sect of the Nazarenes" (Acts 24:5). These people were also called "Christians" (Acts 11:26).
"For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes."

"And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch."

As Nazarenes they were followers of Y'shua of Nazareth; as Christians they were people who sought to be Christ-like: "christ" being the Greek form of "messiah," or "anointed." In other words, Christians are, by definition; people who believe that Master Y'shua was the Messiah and who seek to follow his example, to be Christ-like. At least, this is what we are taught by the Church.

The term Christian certainly does denote one who is Christ-like and since Acts 11:26 says that Master Y'shua's followers were first called that Antioch; it certain is an appropriate name. However, the term can just as easily mean that Christians are people who seek the anointing of HaShem, as surely Christians are, but not they alone. The point is, referring to Master Y'shua's followers as Christians, does not necessarily indicate their belief that he was the Christ of Messiah. It could just as well indicate that he taught them to live their lives in such a way that they might all be anointed by HaShem. "Be ye Christ like.' That the early Noahide Nazarenes were seeking God's anointing is the point.

So far so good, however here's where it gets a bit tricky! Master Y'shua of Nazareth, as he is depicted in the New Testament and as our common experiences demonstrate, clearly did not fulfill several of the key prophecies required of the Messiah; specifically, he did not take up the Scepter of Judah and begin a theocratic reign of the earth:

Gen. 49:10:

"The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be."
A mere forty years or so after Master Y'shua left the planet, Jerusalem was destroyed. Rather than being gathered together in Jerusalem, the Jews were dispersed throughout the planet and Gentiles continued to rule over them. From 606 BCE when Israel, as an independent nation, fell before Babylon's Nebuchadnezzar, until 1948 when it was again established as a sovereign nation, there were no exceptions to this (other than during the brief Hasmonean Dynasty that ended with Jewish Palestine becoming part of Southern Syria).

Circa 167 BCE the Palestinian Jews were fighting with the Seleucid King Antiochus IV Epiphanes (a successor of Alexander the Great, leader of the third world power foretold by Prophet Daniel) who was intent on destroying Jewish religion and culture. The Hasmonean Dynasty ruled from 129-40 BCE, before being annexed by Rome as part of Southern Syria. The Israel of Jesus' time was an occupied Roman province.

There are those Christians who teach that the Christian Church has replaced the Jews as the Chosen people. This verse (Gen. 49:10 above) and several others clearly reject this notion. Until Messiah comes and gathers the Jewish people together in his theocratic government, the scepter or Shebet of God's authority will remain with the Jews until Shiloh (shiyloh) comes. Shiloh is not a name but a description of a certain person: "he whose it is" or "that which belongs to him." (Strong's #7886). To whom does the authority of the earth rightfully belong? Certainly not to Lucifer, the current ruler!
"The earth is HaShem's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein" (Ps. 24:1)

Obviously then, HaShem is the rightful authority and he gives this authority to whomsoever he pleases (Dan 4:17). HaShem gives the kingdom to Shiloh, the Jewish Messiah. Until it is given to him, and forever afterward, the scepter remains with the Jews.

Establishing the Kingdom of HaShem on earth is the primary function or role of the Messiah in biblical prophecy. If Master Y'shua did not fulfill this essential messianic prophecy, which he obviously didn't, then how can he have been the Messiah or Christ?

The evidence that Master Y'shua of Nazareth did not fulfill the requisite messianic prophecies is as close as your own window! Go, look out or turn on the TV news! What do you see? Crime? War? Violence? Hatred? Racism? Anti-Semitism? Pollution? Global Warming? Perversions of every sort? These conditions will not exist in the Kingdom of the Messiah. The Nevi'im (prophets) are quite clear that the Anointed One of HaShem, when he comes, will end such things. From this we can safely conclude that Master Y'shua of Nazareth, Y'shua ben Miriam, was not the foretold Anointed One or Messiah of HaShem, the Shiloh who would usher in the Kingdom of HaShem 'on earth as it is heaven'.

What is our understanding of Master Y'shua of Nazareth then? Noahides, like Jews, do not accept that Master Y'shua was even a tzaddik or righteous person let alone the Shiloh. This varies, but most seem to view him as a cult leader or an opportunist. For Christians of course, he was the Messiah and the prophecies he did not fulfill will be fulfilled on his return to the planet. That there will be two "comings" of the Messiah is not supported anywhere in the Tanakh however.

While Noahide Nazarenes recognize that Master Y'shua did not fulfill the major messianic prophecies, and hence cannot rightly be called Shiloh, we do believe that he was more than simply a wise rabbi or teacher. He was a tzaddik or holy man and a gifted prophet of HaShem, but he is more than that.

The Master explained his position in the divine timetable himself at Matthew 21:31-46:
33 Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country:
34 And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it.
35 And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another.
36 Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise.
37 But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son.
38 But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance.
39 And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him.
40 When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen?
41 They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.
42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?
43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
45 And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them.
46 But when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.
Here we find the Master's position clearly presented. The 'Householder' in this parable is HaShem. Throughout history, prophets and teachers were sent to the Jews to empower them to fulfill their role as a nation of holy priests unto HaShem. These teachings have been mainly passed on to the world via the Bible. These divine words were not always heeded however. HaShem remained committed to His Chosen People and sent ever more prophets to them pleading with them to heed His voice. In time, Master Y'shua was sent as a unique Son of God. Seeing their lack of faith, he tried to draw them closer to HaShem. Had they accepted his teachings, the Gospel of the Kingdom, he would have fulfilled the role of Shiloh and the thousand-year reign would have begun then. This is clear from the Bible:

Matthew 23:37:

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!"

His warning went unheeded however. The Pharisees and other leaders refused to receive the word of the great prophet and hence the Kingdom would have to wait for a more deserving generation. It was such criticism of the Rabbis (Pharisees), along with his rejection of the Oral Torah that eventually led to his execution.

Master Y'shua says this quite clearly at Matthew 23:
28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,
30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.
31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.
32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:
35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.
36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.
37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Master Y'shua was most certainly 'an anointed one', 'a messiah', however he did not fulfill the most important requirements of the Shiloh because at the time of his earthly ministry the Jews of Jerusalem refused to accept Master's Y'shua's teachings. According to standard Orthodox Jewish understanding, there are certain situations that, if they occur, will cause the Messiah to appear. These are based on both the Written and Oral Torah. They are as follows:
  • If Israel repented a single day;
  • If Israel observed a single Shabbat properly;
  • If Israel observed two Shabbats in a row properly;
  • In a generation that is totally innocent or totally guilty;
  • In a generation that loses hope;
  • In a generation where children are totally disrespectful towards their parents and elders;
  • The generation of Jews living during the time of Master Y'shua was one of doubt, with little hope in a better future. They were living in Jerusalem, but the Romans were becoming more offensive and oppressive all the time. Not long before, they had tasted independence during the Hasmonean Dynasty but had failed to give the glory to God. Now their prospects were grim. It was clear that it would only be a matter of time before the city fell before increasingly blasphemous Pagan Romans.

    By all accounts, the Jewish hierarchy of the time were legalistic scholars whose hearts were not right with God. Judaism was Hellenized and intellectualized. These leaders 'strained out the gnats and swallowed the camels' in their religious pretentiousness (Matt 23:24). They gave lip service to HaShem but their hearts were far removed from Him (Luke 16:15). And yet unto these people a prophet arose who was far greater than those who had come before.

    The First Century Jews of Jerusalem met one of the requirements for Shiloh and possibly two. Theirs was a generation that had lost all hope. It may be seen as well that the younger generation did not honor their parents but this is by inference (compare Matt. 23:32). In their desperation many Jews were crying out to HaShem for rescue by the Shiloh (compare Luke:2:2526). During this period, many would-be messiahs arose, proclaiming themselves as deliverers. But Master Y'shua was different:

    Matthew 7:28,29:

    "And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:
    For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes."

    Master Y'shua did not meet their expectations however! He did meet an amazing number of the requirements, others however, he did not meet. This has always been a weakness in the Christian presentation of Y'shua as Messiah. As we look at the prophecies, we find that he was fulfilling them as he went along. The reason he did not fill the later ones was because he was rejected. Here's a few of the prophecies Master Y'shua fulfilled :
  • He was a mortal human being (Gen 3:15).
  • He was a descendant of Abraham (Gen. 12:2,3; 18:18)
  • He was a descendant of Isaac (Gen. 17:19)
  • He was of the House of King David (Is. 9:6,7; 11:1-5; II Sam 7:13)
  • He was from the root of Jesse (Is. 11:1)
  • He was born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)
  • A the time of his birth there was a massacre of infants (Jer. 31:15)
  • He lived in Egypt as a child (Ho. 11:1)
  • Much of his ministry took place in Galilee (Isa. 9:1,2)
  • He was a prophet (Deut. 18:15)
  • He entered Jerusalem hailed by multitudes and riding on a donkey (Zec. 9:9; Isa 62:11)
  • He was betrayed by a friend (Ps. 41:9)
  • He was betrayed for 40 pieces of silver (Zec. 11:12,13)
  • His hands and feet were pierced (Ps 22:16; Zec 12:10)
  • He was condemned by false testimony (Ps 27:12; 35:11)
  • He remained silent during his trial, offering no defense (Ps 38:13,14)
  • And so on.
  • Yet still, these are not the primary things the Shiloh must accomplish. Without re-establishing the Throne of David, no contender for the position can be accepted, biblically speaking. It is for this reason that Christians expect a Second Coming during which time Jesus will fulfill the more important elements of the messianic prophecies.

    Y'shua of Nazareth is the spiritual leader and guide of the Noahide Nazarenes as we seek to serve and please HaShem. In Master Y'shua we have a great leader who bravely spoke out against the abuses of his day and who uttered great prophecies, including foretelling the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple in 70 C.E. (Matt. 24:1,2). Hence, Noahide Nazarenes are the Noahide followers of Master Y'shua of Nazareth. As Jews and Christians, we await the soon coming of Shiloh.

    Our Study of the Noahide Nazarene Way Continues in Part Two

    Welcome to Page Two of this introduction to the Noahide Nazarene Way. In this study you will gain a basic understanding of the Noahide Movement in general as well the Noahide Nazarene Way in particular. Page Two begins with an overview of the Noahide Faith. May HaShem and our Master Y'shua of Nazareth bless your desire to learn more and empower you to walk the Noahide Nazarene Way.!

    The Noahide Nazarene Way
    An Overview:

    The Noahide Nazarene Way
    Part Two


    B'nei Noahide is a Gentile descendant of Father Noah who accepts the Noahide Covenant that exists between HaShem and the inhabitants of the earth. With the Noahide Covenant HaShem guaranteed the peoples of the earth certain blessings and protections and commanded them to abide by His Seven Noahide Commandments. These instructions are for all the peoples of the earth and are recorded in the Book of Genesis. It doesn't matter who you are, you are included in this Universal Covenant and are bound by its righteous requirements. The only question is whether you will accept them.

    If you willingly embrace the Noahide Covenant, and you are not Jewish, you are a B'nei Noahide. There is nothing to join. This is our birthright. Many modern Noahides believe they must place themselves under the authority of Rabbinic Judaism. Such Noahides usually seek the authority (or 'covering') of the Jewish Orthodox Movement. I will discuss our relationship with Judaism below. For now, I will remind you of what has already been noted. The divinely intended role of the Jewish people is as a nation of priests serving HaShem and guiding the Noahides. It is therefore completely appropriate to seek out the Rabbis for teaching and spiritual aid. Now however this is not required. It will be once the theocracy is established and the priesthood of the Messiah begins.

    If you are Jewish, the Noahide Covenant is included within the Sinai or Mosaic covenant, which is your birthright. The idea is that since the Chosen People have a higher calling, they are commanded to maintain purer standards than we Noahides are. They are to observe the Seven Noahide Commandments (as Jews also are the children of Noah) as part of their 613 mitzvoth (as enumerated by Maimonides). These 613 mitzvoth (commandments) are not required of Noahides.

    If you accept the Noahide Covenant, are a Gentile, and you accept Master Y'shua of Nazareth as your principle Master, then you may be a Noahide Nazarene.

    I say you "may be" because Christians will usually believe this statement applies to them as well, even though most Christians are not aware of the Noahide Covenant or if they are believe it has been superseded by the New Covenant of Lord Jesus. Noahide Nazarenes, as all Noahides, believe the Noahide Covenant is still in effect for all Noahides.

    The teachings of Noahide Nazarenes differ from those of "Christians" in several key areas. There is no recognized authority who can say who is and who is not a Noahide, a Noahide Nazarene or a Christian. Each person must determine what he/she believes and which view is the most biblically sound according to the light they have been granted. The important thing here is that we all worship the One God.

    So then what of conversion? Torah Observant Jews have nothing to convert into, as they are already obeying their Torah as directed by HaShem.

    Noahides are typically people who are serious enough about their spiritual lives to have invested lots of time investigating these matters and determining their spiritual course. They placed their faith in the God of Israel and developed an attachment for HaShem under the direction of Torah Observant Rabbis. Hence, if to the best of their abilities these people are being faithful to what יהוה has placed before them, I for one have no doubt they will receive the blessings of HaShem even without the wisdom offered by Master Y'shua.

    Christians are a diverse sort but if we give the benefit of the doubt and accept their sincerity and their devotion to the god of Israel and Master Y'shua through the Light they been granted, they, as the Noahides, are doubtless accepted and led by the Spirit of HaShem.

    Most Noahide Nazarenes, as most other Noahides, are people from Christian backgrounds who for various reasons have come to the conclusion that the Christian Church is not where they need to be spiritually. Both groups of people, having investigated the matter thoroughly, believe themselves to be where HaShem would have them be.

    The conclusion therefore, is that we should all grow where HaShem has led or planted us. This is not about finding the One Way to salvation because HaShem is then only source of it, its about deciding how as individuals we can best walk His Paths.

    HaShem has clearly told us that He will bless those who bless the Jews and will curse those who curse them. What else does HaShem require of us? These are the Seven Noahide Laws:

    The Noahide Laws
    1. Worship Only HaShem: Do not worship anyone or anything other than HaShem our God. Strict monotheism is enjoined upon all.
    2. Honor and Praise HaShem: Do not curse HaShem or anyone else in His name. Praise and credit His Goodness and Sovereign Will in all things.
    3. Respect and Protect Human Life: Humans are created in the image of HaShem. Do not therefore commit murder, suicide or abortion, as this is to kill the image of HaShem. Rightly consider humankind in relation to HaShem: He is the Potter, we are the clay.
    4. Respect the Family:. Do not engage in sexual immorality. Defend family integrity. Teach children HaShem's Ways and their own family's history. Maintain the understanding that the rightful head of every household is HaShem and that everyone is His child.
    5. Respect the Rights and Properties of Others: Do not steal, cheat, or kidnap because this is to remove the blessings of HaShem from a person and so is taking from HaShem Himself. Share the goodness HaShem shows to you with others, for this gives HaShem joy.
    6. Respect the Sanctity of all Life:. Do not eat the flesh of any animal while it is still alive nor torture any living thing. Give thanks to God for the animals and plants that serve as our food. Until this point, man was forbidden to eat animals. This Law allows it, but certainly, it is not required. Defend the well being of the Earth and its inhabitants for they are the creation of HaShem and thereby one honors Him.
    7. Pursue Justice:. Establish courts of law to enforce the Seven Noahide Commandments and to enforce just laws stemming from them. Resist evil with good always.

    These are the commandments of HaShem unto all of the descendants of father Noah.

    As Noahide Nazarenes we always seek to understand what lies at the heart of such commands. What is HaShem attempting to communicate with mankind through these Seven Laws? The following verses explain this clearly:

    Micah 6:6-8:

    6. With what shall I come before HaShem,
    And bow myself before the high God?
    Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings,
    With calves a year old?

    7. Will be pleased with thousands of rams,
    Ten thousand rivers of oil?
    Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression,
    The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
    8. He has shown you, O man, what is good;
    And what HaShem requires of you:
    Only to do justly,
    To love mercy,
    And to walk humbly with your God.

    This is the heart of the Noahide Laws and the heart Master Y'shua of Nazareth's teachings as well. Our Master taught that:

    Matthew 22:

    36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
    37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
    38 This is the first and great commandment.
    39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
    40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    This does not do away with the Seven Noahide Commandments, rather it explains the reason for their requirements. Master Y'shua stressed the spirit of the Law over the letter of the Law. The Pharisees of his day had become such legalists that through their scrupulous keeping of the Law they had lost the reasons behind them. More on this later.

    HaShem is our Eternal Well-Wisher. He wants only the best for His creation and all of His Laws and covenants have our best interests at heart. Our best is to be found in HaShem alone. This is the point.

    The primary difference then between Noahides and Noahide Nazarenes is that the later seeks to understand the Torah from the point of view of Master Y'shua while the former rely on the Talmud and other Rabbinical texts and authority. Harmonious with the teachings of Master Y'shua, Noahide Nazarenes only accept the Written Torah as inspired scriptures. The Oral Torah certainly has its value as commentaries, however as the Karaite Jews, Noahide Nazarenes do not accept it as Scripture.

    This Study of the Noahide Nazarene Way Continues in Part Three

    Welcome to Page Three of this introduction to the Noahide Nazarene Way. In this study, you will gain a basic understanding of the Noahide Movement in general and the Noahide Nazarene Way in particular. Page Three begins with an overview of our Master Y'shua of Nazareth. May HaShem and our Master bless your desire to learn more and empower you to walk the Noahide Nazarene Way.!

    The Noahide Nazarene Way
    An Overview:

    The Noahide Nazarene Way
    Part Three

    Master Y'shua of Nazareth in Brief

    As discussed in the second part of this series, a key distinction between Noahides and Noahide Nazarenes is the latter's belief that Master Y'shua was a holy prophet of HaShem and more. So here's an overview of the Master from our perspective.

    Around 7 BCE a young Judean woman named Mary (Miriam) gave birth, by normal means, to a son she named Y'shua (normally written as either Jesus or Joshua). Mary and Joseph the carpenter were engaged at the time but not yet married. Presumably he was the father of her child although it is impossible to say for certain (for my study on the virgin birth please visit This Page.

    To protect Mary's reputation, Joseph married her, although apparently with some trepidation. As the child grew, older questions arose about his ancestry, an important consideration in both Jewish and Roman society of the day. Being unable to answer these questions in terms of polite society, it seems likely that Mary and Joseph (now married), took their child and left Judea for Egypt as the New Testament describes.

    It should be pointed out that there is no evidence beyond the Gospel accounts that King Herod sought to find the newborn child, fearing that he might be the Jewish Messiah or otherwise. Likewise with the slaughter of the area's children that resulted neither from this search, nor of the visit of the magi, nor the gifts of the kings of the East to the child etc. This does not deny that these accounts took place of course, only that history is mute on these key New Testament events that one would expect to have been recorded as common knowledge.

    Following the death of King Herod, sometime prior to 5 CE and Y'shua's twelfth birthday, the family returned to Judea, doubtless hoping that people would have forgotten the details of Mary's pregnancy. As the issue resurfaces during future debates between Master Y'shua and his opponents according to the Gospel accounts however, it appears that the matter was not forgotten.

    John 9:29:

    "We know that God spake unto Moses: as for this fellow [Master Y'shua], we know not from whence he is."

    For clarity sake, the World English Bible has it this way:
    "We know that God has spoken to Moses. But as for this man, we don't know where he comes from"

    They accepted the words of Prophet Moses, however due to Master Y'shua's questionable background and pedigree, they were inclined to doubt his word. In our culture, it would be like saying one accepts a controversial opinion by one's pastor or bishop due to their position, but the same comment from the person who bags your groceries would be much harder to accept.

    Eighteen years or so later, Y'shua listened as John the Baptizer preached the need for spiritual revitalization in the wilderness. The calling of Israel to repentance moved Y'shua deeply and sparked the divine embers HaShem had placed within him. So many Jews were praying for an end to Roman oppression. The people wanted change, a new order that would give them a sense of pride, not to mention stability. As Y'shua listened to John's inspired sermons he realized that true liberation must begin within. He knew that the Jews are not like any other people. Political freedom without spiritual freedom wouldn't be enough for them. The Roman Pagans could exchange one god for another with little or no difficulty, but for the Jews there was only one God and He had strict requirements that had to be observed. Unless the people returned to the Way of Moses it was doubtful that HaShem would grant any degree of freedom to the Jews because, as Master Y'shua understood, the Jews are the Chosen People, a people with a mission; his assignment was to help them fulfill their destiny. The Jewish mission requires absolute submission to HaShem. And so Y'shua heeded John's call to the mikveh, and was baptized in preparation for his ministry

    For Jews, Nazarenes and most Christians the ritual bath is an essential aspect of religious life. It represents ritual purity and rededication to HaShem. Noahide Nazarenes and Christians add certain significances to the rite as taught in the New Testament.

    For Jews and all Noahides, ritual baptism requires the person to enter the waters nude, as nothing is allowed to come between the worshiper and the symbolically cleansing waters. Another reason for this requirement among Jews is that male circumcision is required of those entering the ritual baths and nudity makes it impossible to conceal one's observance.

    In some circles, worshippers enter the mikveh once or even several times a day. Others enter the waters only on Fridays, just prior to Shabbat. Yet others view the mikveh as a single life-changing event.

    Men are always completely immersed in the water whereas women are sometimes allowed to sit in the mikveh, the waters coming only to their necks. It is evident however, that women may also undergo full immersion if they choose. Properly utilized, the mikveh is a power spiritual experience of obedience and symbolism.

    At conversions and especially significant baptisms (for instance prior to holidays or when one seeks forgiveness for some particular sin etc.), after coming up from the waters, instructors may give select instructions from the Torah. For Noahide Nazarenes these instructions may include a recitation of the Seven Noahide Laws or choice teachings of Master Y'shua as the spirit leads the instructors. The person being baptized, if male, stands before the instructors and listens attentively to their words, females may stand or sit. The person leaves the mikveh after these words are spoken, and is deemed clean from all trespasses and is spiritually renewed. In some cases, restitution for sins may also be recommended if one has wronged others. Such restitution may be suggested by one's rabbi, pastor, the mikveh instructors or other respected persons, however one is ultimately answerable only to HaShem and there is no compulsion in restitution, even as there is no coercion in other matters of religion. Jews traditionally observe a separation of the genders in their shuls as well as in the mikveh. Noahide Nazarenes do not observe this custom:

    Galatians 3:28:

    "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

    As is to be expected, different teachers stress different things. Where possible, Noahide Nazarenes are encouraged to enter the mikveh at least weekly, preferably just prior to the beginning of the Shabbat on Friday evenings. Noahides are not required to observe Shabbat, as are the Jews, however as it is the day HaShem set apart for His people; Shabbat is a good day to engage in spiritual activities. Some Noahides observe Shabbat as an act of optional piety others do not. The Shabbat is discussed in some detail elsewhere on the site.

    John the Baptizer may well have belonged to an Essene community or some other esoteric Jewish sect; we don't know for sure. It does seem likely however that at the least he was under a Nazirite vow (Num. 6, Matt. 11:18). We infer from the information in the Gospels that, like Samson, John may have been a lifelong Nazirite (Luke 1:13-1). His doctrine and general demeanor were not in keeping with average Judean or Roman customs. He was a deeply religious and politically astute man with a mission. He sternly warned of the coming of Messiah and of the need for the spiritual revitalization of Israel if they hoped to receive him.

    The Messiah, John boldly proclaimed, would soon come and deliver Judea from the yoke of Roman occupation and oppression. He would then establish the Kingdom of HaShem globally, replacing Rome (as foretold by Daniel at Dan. 2:36-44 and elsewhere), but the people needed to 'repent for the Kingdom of Heaven draweth nigh'. Those who hoped to enjoy the blessings of the coming Kingdom and the Olam ha Ba or World-to-Come needed to abandon their mundane pursuits and devote themselves fully to HaShem. Receiving John's baptism symbolized their readiness to do this.

    The people of Israel, John warned, needed to prepare their hearts, minds and bodies so as to be ready for the coming of Shiloh. Such teachings doubtless inspired Master Y'shua and his message, however the Jewish people at large failed in the task John and later Master Y'shua set before them and so the Kingdom was not established and HaShem did not empower Master Y'shua as Shiloh, the one to whom the Kingdom belongs. The world would have to wait longer.

    Y'shua appears to have served his father Joseph as a carpenter from his early years until his late twenties, prayerfully studying the Tanakh and listening to the teachings of the various rabbis as time permitted. He had a keen mind and intellect and learned his lessons well. HaShem revealed to him the truths that formed the basis of the Torah and he quickly surpassed the wisdom and knowledge of his elders. He questioned them in great detail, challenging their teachings and wisdom. He wanted to understand why the Torah taught the things it did, not merely how to observe the external requirements. In this, as a child conceived out of wedlock, he would have faced stern opposition from certain fronts, yet he persevered.

    Y'shua spent untold hours in the Temple, the synagogues and libraries studying the Written and Oral Torah, the Kethuvim and, especially, the Nevi'im or prophets, prayerfully seeking to develop his understandings of the ways of HaShem and of the coming of his Messiah. All this he did with a pure and sincere heart, with a mind charged by the Holy Spirit that was directing his every step even as HaShem had communed with Adam.

    Y'shua had doubtless heard John's preaching many times before, however he had probably never studied under him directly nor spoken with him personally. I suspect that the New Testament relationship between John's mother Elizabeth and Mary is largely the product of Church fiction. I assume this because while the story fits well into the Christian tradition by creating a valuable connection between Y'shua and the well-known preacher, which might bolster Y'shua's credibility in some circles, the later New Testament accounts seem to be at odds with the story in a few important areas.

    For instance, had Y'shua and John been related (cousins) as stated in the early portions of Luke's Gospel, the later accounts about their meeting and John's attempts to determine whether or not Y'shua was the Messiah would seem implausible. If Mary ran to share the news of her pregnancy with Elizabeth, then surely the two sons would have been acquainted as well as they grew up.

    In any event, after his arrest it sounds as though John knew that the Master was preaching with power and great authority, but that he was not sure what to make of it. Miracles alone do not the Shiloh make! Because of his own doubts, John sent a servant to ask Master Y'shua directly whether of not he was the Messiah. Y'shua does not respond to this question directly, but rather says that the servant must determine that for himself based upon what he sees.

    This conversation takes place early in Master Y'shua's three and a half ministry. It seems likely that early on Master Y'shua may have entertained hopes that HaShem might empower and ordain him as Shiloh in the future, and so he could not answer either way. Indeed, although everything is known in the foreknowledge of HaShem, not everything is revealed.

    In the Book of Matthew Master Y'shua acknowledges that he doesn't know when the Kingdom will be established (Matt 24:36). Why would this be? The most likely answer seems to be that at that point the Jews of Jerusalem still had not decided whether to accept the call to repentance. If they repented and turned to the God of Israel, Master Y'shua would be empowered to establish the Kingdom of God, if they did not, he would not be. While this decision was already known in the mind of HaShem, it was not known to our Master at that time. Speaking in his role as holy seerer, in the same section Prophet Y'shua utters some of the clearest biblical prophecies of the Last Days we have. We'll discuss this elsewhere.

    In any case, what is clear from the New Testament account is that Master Y'shua did not claim to be the Shiloh who would establish the Kingdom when directly asked by John's servant. Knowing that John, whom Master Y'shua deeply respected and who had spent his entire life praying for the Kingdom, was under arrest and probably facing immanent death, it seems inconceivable that Master Y'shua would not have confirmed his messianic identity to him, had he viewed himself as the Messiah, as a kindness to John if nothing else. Surely he would have said, "Yes, go and tell John that I am he." Master Y'shua didn't do this however because he did not know when the Kingdom would be established (Matt. 24:36) not to whom HaShem would give the Scepter of Jesse.

    That Master Y'shua thought he might be the one is clear as well. He does not deny the possibility to the messenger either. Rather he truthfully replies that HaShem is clearly doing great works through his ministry and implied that John should take heart in the fact that HaShem had sent a potential Shiloh. As John would have understood, the decision however remained with the Jewish people.

    The Gospels present Master Y'shua as a man tormented by his compassion for his fellow Jews, his faith in his God, and his uncertainty of his own destiny. Throughout his life, and certainly during his three and a half year ministry, Master Y'shua was a man living in two dimensions simultaneously. As the greatest of prophets, he saw beyond the veil and yet as a human, he beheld suffering and pain. He knew the cure was for his people to return to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but how could he convince them do this? At one point in the teachings, the Master said:

    Matthew 24:

    36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
    37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
    38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
    39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    So too must Master Y'shua have felt. If the people had heeded Noah's warnings they could have joined him in the ark of safety, and yet they refused "And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away." In the same way, had the Jerusalem Jews received his warnings, and John's, they could have avoided the devastation that happened forty years later when Titus sacked Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, and expelled the Jews from the homeland. How his heart must have ached! But I'm getting ahead of our story...

    Being naturally inquisitive, as we see when Y'shua questioned the rabbis in the Temple at the age of twelve, while in Egypt he would doubtless have inquired from people about the mysterious ways there. Considering his keen intellect and spiritual discernment, it seems fair to assume that Y'shua would have picked up a bit of their knowledge. Its also safe to assume that he would have acquired some knowledge of the Hebrew mysticism that later came to be known as Kabala and that was reportedly practiced in Egypt for the same reasons (indeed, I assume that he studied Kabala and Gematria in minute detail, although there is no New Testament support for this assumption). There are also extra-biblical reports of young Y'shua studying in India, Persia and elsewhere during his teens and early twenties. Such reports can be neither confirmed nor denied and yet we know that his knowledge and spiritual powers far exceeded anything thus far experienced in Israel.

    As Master Y'shua later taught his own revelations to the people, he doubtless employed many of these mystical techniques skillfully, as the New Testament indirectly records, as teaching aids to help them understand his message, even as he utilized parables.

    Master Y'shua began teaching and preaching the truths he had realized after many years of study, prayer and meditation. The New Testament suggests that he began his active ministry at the age of thirty.

    His was a fiery message. As John before him, Master Y'shua called all of Israel to repentance 'for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand' (compare Matt 4:23). He spoke not as a humble rabbi but as a powerful prophet and leader (Matt. 7:29). His message moved many people to repentance but worried the Jewish religious and political power structures that preferred the status quo. These leaders knew the prophecies and doubtless recognized his messianic potential, but they feared the possibly harsh reaction of Rome to such a charismatic figure. They also did not approve of certain of his doctrines. For instance, by this point the Oral Torah (the collected teachings of the rabbis) had been elevated to a place equal to the Written Torah (and possibly beyond it). Master Y'shua however, while never denying the value of this knowledge base, rejected the Oral Torah being viewed as superseding the Written Torah;

    Mark 7:

    5 Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands?
    6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
    7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
    8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
    9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

    Master Y'shua's teachings probably took on much of the form and content presented in the biblical Gospels as he traveled the countryside warning of the wrath of HaShem upon all who failed to repent. If his hearers truly wanted the Kingdom to come, he preached, they first needed to look to the inner kingdom and get their hearts right with God. As it was with John, this was Master Y'shua's central message.

    The Baptist had come to prepare the people for the Kingdom; Master Y'shua had come to establish it. Had the city repented, Master Y'shua as messiah and Shiloh would have proven John's prophecies true and established the Kingdom of God "on earth as it in heaven." But they did not.

    Master Y'shua clearly did not intend to start a new religion nor did his followers! They were all loyal Jews. The Master was interested only in the spiritual revitalization of his people Israel, because only that would make the theocratic reign possible.

    At one point a Gentile woman, probably a Noahide as we will see below, approached the Master:

    Matthew 15:

    22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.
    23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.
    24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
    25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.
    26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and cast it to dogs.

    Note that since the woman wasn't Jewish, Master Y'shua was reluctant to even speak with her.

    As Father Noah delineated the roles of his three sons and their offspring, Japheth and his descendants were told to "dwell in the tents of Shem." As a Canaanite Gentile, this woman was almost certainly a descendant of Japheth and so, she pointed out, had a right, under the Noahide Covenant, to reside in the House of the Jews and to request their "table scraps!" This is the heart of the Noahide Covenant! God cares for us all. Nonetheless, the notion of creating a Gentile religion was not something Master Y'shua was even considering. Notice how he responds to her faith however:
    27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.
    28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

    "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

    The Kingdom of HaShem will bless the entire world and so the problems Gentiles face in their lives will be removed by the Kingdom, but the Kingdom will be based on the promises of HaShem to redeem Israel. By fulfilling this pledge, all nations of the earth will be blessed:

    Zechariah 8:

    22 Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD.
    23 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.

    And again Genesis 12:3:
    And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

    This was Master Y'shua's ministry. The people of Israel needed to prepare themselves for the coming Kingdom. "Repent! For the Kingdom of HaShem is at hand! Prepare yourselves!"

    So then, where do we Noahide Nazarenes fit into Y'shua's plan?

    According to the Matthew 15 text cited above, the woman referred to Master Y'shua as the "Son of David." As has been discussed elsewhere, many people hoped that Y'shua would be the Shiloh. By using this title, the woman was acknowledging her belief that he was the promised one. She may also have been referring to the fact that the promise of David's kingdom included blessings for the Gentiles. In other words, she begins her request with the acknowledgement that she has no right to ask, being a Gentile, however in the name of King David and his mercy to the Noahides, would the Master please help her. This is the proper attitude for Noahides to hold. We are permitted to eat the scraps that fall from the table of the Chosen People. In time, these scraps will restore the earth to the paradise originally intended by HaShem to the benefit of the whole planet.

    While Master Y'shua and the woman were speaking in the metaphor of "little dogs" and "tables", the teaching is clear. The wisdom and blessings of the Jews, and hence of Master Y'shua, are accessible to the 'goy' or Gentiles if we "take hold of the skirt of the Jew" acknowledging them as the Chosen People.

    This is tough on the ego! Yet this Gentile woman has shown the way for the rest of us:
    "[HaShem] has shown you, O man, what is good;
    And what HaShem requires of you
    Only to do justly,
    To love mercy,
    And to walk humbly with your God.

    As Noahide Nazarenes we are to walk humbly before HaShem and acknowledge that He has called the Jews to be His Chosen People through whom the entire world will be blessed.

    Whenever the topic of resistance to Rome came up Master Y'shua expertly redirected it. If he became the Shiloh Rome would fall (Dan 2:44). If he did not assume that role, Jerusalem would fall (Matt 24:2). He was asked for instance about paying the Roman taxes, a noxious thing to the Jews, and, using a Roman coin, he replied that God's things should go to God and Rome's to Rome. These are not the words of a man planning the overthrow of Rome! Yet this is what many of his chief disciples expected and wanted from him! It even appears that Judas Iscariot's main reason for betraying Master Y'shua was his firm conviction that by doing so, the Master would be forced to take up the messianic Scepter of Judah and defeat the Romans! He couldn't fathom why Master Y'shua was taking so long! This did not happen of course because the Jews of Jerusalem did not accept his call to repentance. As in the story of the householder who, after sending in servants to convey the owners wishes finally sent his own son, so too Master Y'shua was rejected by those he had come to help. We discussed this important parable earlier. In every such instance Master Y'shua made it clear that what was importance was Israel's repentance. Without that, the Kingdom could not be established. Had they listened to John and Master Y'shua, Rome would have been overthrown and the Kingdom established but it was his hearers must choose.

    Y'shua considered the Judaism of his day and found it wanting. He charged that its priests and rabbis had sold out the Jewish people and nation to Rome and that their religious legalism was cutting the people off from true spiritual power. Even as the Jewish people had for so long failed to resist the lure of idolatry and the worship of other gods, in effect they had now made an idol of their inflexible observance of the Oral Traditions.

    They had compromised and sacrificed too much in their desire for peace. Master Y'shua yearned for the coming of the Kingdom to rescue society, however he felt certain that his people were not yet ready to commit themselves to the degree of holiness that would require. He argued that John's holiness and Torah observance had been second to none and yet the least in the Kingdom of God would be more righteous than he because they would enter it based on a living faith!

    Like John, the Master criticized the Pharisee's teachings and the misguided requirements of the Oral Torah to the exclusion of the Written Word of HaShem. He charged that:

    Matthew 23:24:

    "...they strain at a gnat, and yet swallow a camel!"

    The Apostle Paul makes this teaching even clearer at Romans 10:
    1 Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.
    2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
    3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

    It wasn't that Master Y'shua considered the Oral Torah wrong exactly, but rather that through it, the Pharisees were missing the essential goals that HaShem wanted to achieve in His people (compare Micah 6:6-8). By doing so, both they and their hearers were falling into the pit of legalism: "Shabbat was made for man, not man for Shabbat!"

    To Master Y'shua, the Orthodox Pharisees were in effect apostates to Judaism who were pushing people away from HaShem. We see certain parallels to this today within Christianity and elsewhere (comp. Rev. 3:14-20)! Like the Baptist, Master Y'shua felt duty bound to reprimand these rabbis publicly for their transgressions and religious hypocrisies. He charged that they had become so enmeshed in the Oral Torah that they were actually violating the more important Written Word! This was a serious allegation indeed! He refers to them in the Gospels as 'whitewashed sepulchers: They appeared to be holy in their robes and religious finery, but in reality, they were filled with the corpses of those they had pushed away from HaShem. The Master also charged that these misguided teachers were in collusion with the Roman occupying forces and hence directly rebelling against HaShem and the Jewish people.

    Just as a Christian who criticizes the Pope or Jerry Falwel is not thereby denying Christianity, so likewise Master Y'shua's harsh criticism of certain segments of the Jewish religious hierarchy in no way suggests he was rejecting the Jewish faith or its people. The exact opposite was clearly the case! He was what is sometimes referred to as 'a member of the loyal opposition.'

    Master Y'shua made a lot of powerful enemies! Righteous truth-tellers often do!

    Master Y'shua dreamt of the coming Kingdom and prayed that the Jewish people would return to HaShem in faith and righteousness, order and peace. He was ready to be the man HaShem would use to comfort and care for his people, but they would not accept him.

    For twenty-five some odd years Master Y'shua devoted himself to his studies. He prayed and sought the Will of HaShem for his life. He waited on HaShem, ever ready to obey. He waited on his people, ever ready to serve. Perhaps with great difficulty, he restrained his hand from what HaShem had not given him, ordination as the Shiloh. The cries for a political leader around whom the Judeans could rally into battle were intense and Master Y'shua could easily have raised and led a mighty Judean army to possible, yet this was not his calling, at least not until the people willingly committed themselves to HaShem.

    Not long after his ministry ended, many Israelites did unite and seek to gain their independence through armed struggle against Rome. The devastating result, as foretold by Master Y'shua forty years before, was the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE and the two thousand year Jewish Diaspora that lasted until May of 1948 when HaShem called His people back to their Eretz Israel, also as foreseen by our Master (Matt 24:32-35).

    According to the Gospel accounts, following his baptism by John, Master Y'shua taught for three and a half years. During these years, many people became convinced that he was a tzaddik or holy man, although they did not know what sort nor to which order he might belong: Master Y'shua is said to be a priest after "the Order of Melchizedek." This is a very telling comment however it be considered the topic for another study (Heb 5:10). This aspect of the Master's ministry is discussed elsewhere.

    As for the Master's actual teachings, it seems safe to assume that the sayings ascribed to him in the Gospels are his own. It is also likely that most of the accounts of his confrontations with the various religious leaders, his travels and other experiences are at least based on his personal experiences. In some cases it appears that extraneous material has been added (for instance at Luke 9:22), while in other cases it is not so obvious. The best guideline for studying the New Testament seems to be that if the text is in harmony with the spirit of the Tanakh and/or does not violate its teachings, it's probably from the original writings. In those cases where the New Testament contradicts or misquotes the Tanakh, for instance at Matt. 1:22, 23 with reference to Isa. 7:10-16, one does well to consider the material tainted.

    We read that after the three and half years of his earthly ministry had ended, Master Y'shua was betrayed by a friend's kiss and led away to his death. According to the Gospel accounts, this was not the end of Y'shua however! After three days, HaShem is said to have raised Master Y'shua from the dead. Master Y'shua remained on the earth for some time following his resurrection and finally, after appearing to scores of people, he was led up into the sky via a cloud, as the people looked on amazed.

    According to standard Christian belief, Master Y'shua continues to live on in Heaven where he serves the dual role of Judge and Defense Attorney as High Priest before the Throne of HaShem. One day, it is taught, this same Jesus will return to the earth and fulfill the remaining messianic prophecies, ushering in a Thousand-Year Kingdom in which Christians will rule the earth under their returned Messiah. The state of the Jews in this Kingdom varies depending on the teachers quizzed.

    While this teaching sounds fairly reasonable, if one accepts the basic premise of Christian theology, there are no teachings in the Tanakh supporting the belief that the Messiah will accomplish his mission in two separate "comings." Nor the Bible teach that the Messiah will first be brutalized and murdered, that he will rise from the dead, or later return following an extended absence. Likewise, the virgin birth of the Messiah is not taught, nor that he will be God incarnate. The only way to prove that Master Y'shua or anyone else is or was the Messiah is by the messianic requirements laid out plainly in the Tanakh and thus far, these remain unfulfilled by anyone.

    Speaking in John the Beloved's Book of the Apocalypse, the risen Master clearly says that when the Messiah finally comes, he will "have a name written that no one knows but he himself." Everyone on earth knows the name of Jesus (Rev. 19:12).

    The question therefore is whether Master Y'shua of Nazareth fulfilled the messianic requirements.

    Welcome to Page Four of An Introduction to the Noahide Nazarene Way. In this study, you will gain a basic understanding of the Noahide Movement in general and the Noahide Nazarene Way in particular. Page Four is an overview of how the Noahide Nazarene Way was co-opted by the unification of Rome's diverse religious systems into a single Universal Roman Religion. May HaShem and our Master bless your desire to learn more and empower you to walk the Noahide Nazarene Way.!

    The Noahide Nazarene Way
    An Overview:

    The Noahide Nazarene Way
    Part Four

    The Rise of the Universal Church

    Throughout the centuries, Jewish scribes have meticulously guarded the Tanakh's (the Hebrew Scriptures) integrity. There were a few inadvertent errors, however for the most part we can be confident that the Torah we have today in the Hebrew Bible is the original Torah. The same is essentially true of the remainder of the Tanakh.

    Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the New Testament. While carefully hand copied editions of the Torah were kept in every Jewish synagogue the world over and regularly studied by the Jewish community, for many years the New Testament was in the hands of Papal priests, monks and professional theologians who stressed loyalty to the Catholic hierarchy and its doctrines over textual preservation. For such people, church doctrine took priority over the Bible. Most Christians were illiterate until the last few hundred years, and for those who could read, Bibles were very scarce. On those occasions when a literate Christian gained access to a copy of the Bible, reading it was illegal, or at the least strongly discouraged, by the Papacy and reading the Bible could result in prison or even death. To Rome, only those specifically approved by the Church were deemed worthy to read the scriptures. What became of the biblical texts during these dark centuries is largely a matter of conjecture at this point. We do know that several contradictory versions of the New Testament were created during this period, and that the modern paraphrases are largely based on these minority fragments. There is also the greater share of manuscript evidence known as the Textus Receptus , the source material of the Authorized King James Version that is now widely being by Christendom.

    It is most likely that the New Testament was first written in Hebrew. Of course, we have no original Hebrew editions or even copies of these original manuscripts, so we don't know for sure what was originally in the books that made it into New Testament Cannon. All we have today are Greek, Latin, and Aramaic translations of copies of copies...

    The history of the early Roman Universal Church is replete with stories of priests and theologians bitterly debating every conceivable point of doctrine. Between the second and fourth centuries CE, everything was open for debate among the conflicting parties of the now politically motivated Papal Church. Following the alleged conversion of Constantine, the Church gained more and more political power to enforce its dogmas on the remaining Believers and the New Religion's converts.

    During his battle for Rome against Maxentius in 312 CE Constantine claimed to have had a vision of Christ. He reported that Master Y'shua had ordered him to "fight and conquer" under the sign of the cross (the Chi-Rho). This presumably being the same Master Y'shua who ordered his followers to turn the other cheek when struck, the same Y'shua who ordered Peter to put away his sword, 'because those who live by the sword will die by it', who declined repeated requests to take up the sword and lead Israel as a Warrior Messiah, and who said 'My kingdom is not of this world'. This same Master Y'shua now ordered a Pagan Roman warlord to fight in his name? Despite the obvious absurdity of this claim and the fact that Constantine was worshipper of the Roman sun god until his death, many Church leaders accept his account as a sign that God wanted to raise the Church to political power and end the periodic persecutions it faced.

    Doubtless the Nazarenes who remained in the Church at this point were terrified and aghast as the Pagans gained more and more control over the Church and the Master's teachings fell by the wayside. They stood firm in the face of overt persecution, but gave in to the seductive covert attacks on the heart of the faith.

    Under the rulership of this new governmental and ecclesiastical hierarchy known as the Papacy, the Nazarenes were largely silenced as Papal authorities codified and mandated heretical doctrines in the various official councils, such as those held at Nicaea in May of 325. These counsels and closed-door sessions created new heresies as official Church and political doctrine. It must have seemed to the Nazarene believers as though a wild beast had been set free in the congregations of the faithful. And this beast had the claws to enforce its edicts! From this point on dissent was not only heretical, it was illegal and dangerous!

    It's clear from the documents that Constantine, who claimed he had converted to Christianity, was more concerned about political unity and expediency than doctrinal purity. It's said that on one occasion he bowed to an idol of the sun god (Sol Invictus) presumably thinking it was Master Y'shua, the Son of God. When his error was pointed out he replied, "What's the difference?" and continued worshipping the idol. The truth was that Constantine's conversion was a matter of political expediency, as we will see below. Sol Invictus was the god he worshipped.

    During these years of papal development, debates raged between Rome and Constantinople as well. As the Empire itself had been divided, so too these disagreements eventually led to the division of the one "Holy and Apostolic Roman Catholic Church," into the Eastern Orthodox and the Roman or Western Catholic Churches. Unfortunately, these were largely debates of political expediency rather than of returning to first things or rediscovering doctrinal purity. Neither the Western nor the Eastern Church rejected the Pagan influences that had so thoroughly taken hold of the Church, nor did they give any serious thought to returning to the teachings of Master Y'shua of Nazareth. It was politics as usual, plain and simple.

    Power struggles and doctrinal debates of all kinds shook the Church to its foundations. These included those between the so-called Judaizers and Paganizers as well as between the Eastern and Western New Church theologians, there were Judaizers and Paganizers on both sides of the East-West struggles. These debates included several topics, some as essential as the divine or fully human nature of Master Y'shua and his role within the Church. Many of the Judaizers tried to preserve the original Jewish-based teachings of Master Y'shua while the Paganizers were determined to redefine his teachings in order to establish a Pagan-Christian synthesis with which to rule the empire.

    It should be noted for clarity sake, that the term "Judaizer" has traditionally been used to refer to Noahides who were "God-venerators" or "God-Fearers" and predates our Common Era and the rise of Christianity. Acknowledging that the God of the Jews is the only true God, Judaizers attach themselves to the Jewish people and to HaShem:

    Leviticus 17:8:

    "And thou shalt say unto them, Whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers which sojourn among you, that offereth a burnt offering or sacrifice."

    And again, Leviticus 17:13

    "And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, which hunteth and catcheth any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust."

    Such people were called Ger in Hebrew, or Strangers who lived among the Jews. We call such people Ger Noahides or simply Noahides or, if applicable, Noahide Nazarenes. It's really a question of semantics but such people had clearly defined roles within Israel.

    Some Noahides eventually convert to Judaism while others remain Noahide. The original Nazarenes, the first disciples of Master Y'shua of Nazareth were Judean Jews. These people can be referred to as Nazarene Jews or Jewish Nazarenes. They were simply Jews who accepted the teachings of Master Y'shua. Such people remain Jews. Gentiles who embrace the Noahide Covenant are known as Noahides, and those Noahides who come to Master Y'shua are known as Noahide Nazarenes or just Nazarenes. As Noahide Nazarenes don't believe that Master Y'shua was or claimed to be the Shiloh as discussed above, they are not rightly referred to as "Christians" as that term is generally used.

    By the period we're speaking of now, the majority of Nazarenes were Noahides. Their attempts to restore the Jewish-based teachings of Master Y'shua were condemned as Judaizing by the Papacy. The true Nazarene Way was viewed as a threat to Catholic authority and dogma. Those who opposed the doctrine of the Trinity, the deity of Master Y'shua, the absence of eternal torment in a hellfire, conditional salvation, and so on were persecuted by the Church of Rome as heretics. Anti-Semitism became official Church doctrine and Passion Plays condemning Jews as Christ killers become popular forms of entertainment and indoctrination. Such portrayals are still popular as was seen recently in Mel Gibson's scripturally inaccurate anti-Semitic snuff film, the Passion of the Christ.

    The term "Paganizer" is not one I have seen elsewhere, however when using the term "Judaizer" as I do here to refer to those who sought to return the Church to its Jewish roots, the term "Paganizer" seems appropriate to describe those who sought to do the opposite. This faction won most of these second to fourth century debates and established the essential doctrines still accepted by most branches of Christendom. This group brought countless Pagan holidays, beliefs and traditions into the Church. These include holidays such as Christmas and Easter, the dress worn by Catholic clergy persons, the near deification of Catholic saints and Mary as the Theotokos, hellfire, purgatory, heaven for humans, the common belief that some humans become angels upon death, the deification of Master Y'shua, the Trinity doctrine, the doctrine of original sin, the rosary, the church mandated disregard of Shabbat (an observance clearly defined in the Ten Commandments and elsewhere), the embrace of Sunday as a holy day, and so much more.

    During these debates many people of the Nazarene Way sought to officially preserve the teachings of Master Y'shua. One of the fiercest battlegrounds concerned the nature of Master Y'shua. The Nazarenes believed that the Master, while truly a great tzaddik or holy man, was in all ways human. They held that only HaShem is God and that He is eternally one and absolute unique, as taught in the Shema:

    Deuteronomy 6:4:

    Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Elohaynu Adonai Echad:
    "Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One."

    This central Jewish, Noahide and Nazarene truth came to be known as Arianism in the Church, after Arius, one of its principle proponents during the Pagan usurpation of the Christian religion. Arius' admirable attempts to preserve portions of the Nazarene faith were not successful however, and the Paganizers managed to deify Master Y'shua after the matter of the Roman sun god Sol Invictus. Emperor Constantine, who was mentioned above and who was largely responsible for the creation of modern Christianity, remained a loyal worshipper of Sol Invictus all of his life, despite claims that he had converted to the Nazarene Way.

    Sol Invictus was worshipped on the day of the sun god, unlike the Jews, Noahides and Noahide Nazarenes who honored Shabbat and maintained a lunar calendar as used in the Torah. Pagan Constantine however issued the following order replacing Shabbat with the day of his god, and for the most part Christians still worship on that day.

    We learn the following from

    "On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed...."

    Shabbat rejecting Christians can debate Paul's teachings that one day is as good as another, and so on, yet here is the origin of Sunday as the Lord's Day and the rejection of Shabbat.

    As for Constantine's alleged conversion to Christianity:
    "Before his baptism on his deathbed, Emperor Constantine portrayed Sol Invictus on his official coinage, with the legend SOLI INVICTO COMITI, thus claiming the Unconquered Sun as a companion to the Emperor. Constantine decreed (March 7, 321) dies Solis — day of the sun, from which "sunday" — as the Roman day of rest [CJ3.12.2]..."

    "Christianity adopted some of the attributes of the Sol Invictus religion, as apparent in the first examples of Christian iconography, depicting Christ with solar attributes such as the radiated crown or, in a few instances, a solar chariot."

    "Sol Invictus had been adopted by the Church of Rome as evidenced by Christ as Apollo-Helios in a mausoleum discovered under St. Peter's Basilica and dated to 250, and, from the beginning of the third century, "Sun of Justice" was used as a title of Christ."

    "The date for Christmas may also bear a relation to the sun worship. According to the Syriac bishop Jacob Bar-Salibi, writing in the twelth century:

    "It was a custom of the Pagans to celebrate on the same 25 December the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and revelries the Christians also took part. Accordingly when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a leaning to this festival, they took counsel and resolved that the true Nativity should be solemnised on that day." (cited in "Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries", Ramsay MacMullen. Yale:1997, p155)."

    "Christianity designated Sunday as the "Lord's Day" and the day of rest, rather than Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath." (sic)

      (Taken from:

    Thus was set the final nail in the coffin of the Nazarene Way. Neo-Christianity had ceased to be a Jewish heterodoxy based on the Noahide Way, and had become a new conglomerate religious entity. From this point onward, the Way established by Master Y'shua of Nazareth was transformed into something fundamentally different.

    As the debates raged, the Judaizers were branded heretics and relentlessly persecuted by the Papal Church. The clear implication of these attacks being that the Roman Catholic Church had no place within it for anyone who held to the Jewish origins or teachings of Master Y'shua of Nazareth. In effect, the Roman theologians declared Master Y'shua himself a heretic and created a new religion in which neither he nor his teachings would be tolerated.

    The Church declared the Master's people, the Jews, to be "Christ killers" and anti-Semitism became a desirable quality of the faithful Catholic. That this sentiment was carried into the Protestant Movement is evident from even a cursory reading of Martin Luther, a personal hero of Adolph Hitler due to Luther's extreme hatred of all things Jewish. Martin Luther of course was one of the main founders of the Protestant Reformation.

    The Papal elite favored the more inclusive and eclectic Roman Pagan beliefs to the esoteric and exclusionary Jewish ones, and they believed that Master Y'shua's Jewish reform movement, coupled with Rome's Pagan beliefs, was just what they needed to establish a universal faith favorable to Rome. In the name of the cross, as Constantine had declared, Rome would be victorious.

    The emerging Papacy based its teachings more on Plato and Aristotle than upon the revealed Word of God, the Tanakh. They acknowledged the many weaknesses of Pagan Rome and their philosophies, but sought to maintain the strengths and basic mythos of the Pagans. Paganism was a dieing faith throughout the Empire and Rome itself was crumbling. They needed some way of uniting the rebellious and disillusioned populace around a central patriotic pillar, and in Rome that meant religion. With this as their primary impetus, Roman scholars undertook the Herculean task of merging Roman Paganism with the fast growing sect of the Nazarenes.

    The Papacy still faced problems however. In many cases, neither the Tanakh nor the generally accepted writings of the early Nazarenes could be made to agree with the new Roman religion. Thus began serious Roman Catholic biblical scholarship. If the doctrines didn't fit the Bible, the Bible would be made to fit the doctrines.

    For the Torah, the Papal Church relied on the Greek Septuagint, translated into Greek by Jewish scholars. The Nevi'im and Kethuvim, the remainder of the Septuagint, had been translated into Greek by Gentile scholars and included a few discrepancies from the Hebrew originals, but were nonetheless reasonably solid. These books were well established by Jewish scholars and the Roman theologians couldn't do much to alter their teachings.

    The New Testament however did not present the same limitations. Although many people had read the main Nazarene New Testament books by the early third century, none of them had yet attained the status of cannon. Citing poor translations, older or more reliable manuscripts, and so on, it was easy for the theologians to reject or edit these books so that they supported the teachings of the New Pagan/Christian Church (we saw a similar process when the more Humanist NIV paraphrase replaced the King James Version of the Bible throughout the English-speaking world. Few people objected as the ancient Western standard, the Textus Receptus, was replaced by less established manuscript sources). A few of the generally accepted books, like the Gospel of Enoch and so on were rejected outright while other writings were reworked and made part of the official Papal cannon in order to establish the orthodoxy of the New Religion's teachings.

    Among the most important 'proofs' the Papal theologians needed to establish was that Master Y'shua had a unique and specific role to play in the working out of God's plans for the Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church. The new and improved Papal Jesus had to be the Jewish Messiah, yet not be "too Jewish." With this in mind, the theologians meticulously searched the Tanakh for proof texts: verses that could be cited to uphold the Papacy's new teachings. Since it is an undeniable fact that Master Y'shua did not fulfill the main messianic requirement, the ushering in of the Kingdom as discussed above, new "prophecies" were "discovered" that he could fulfill. Elsewhere I discuss various texts employed to this end.

    Building the foundations of the new religion stone upon stone with proof texts, in time the Papal theologians established the body of orthodox Christian dogma, identified the only acceptable sources of spiritual knowledge (i.e. the Roman Catholic biblical cannon and the Catholic Oral Traditions), and announced their political and spiritual authority over the entire Christian world. Declaring the Roman Popes to be the successors to Saint Peter (by misinterpreting a saying of Master Y'shua at Matt. 16:18), the Papacy proclaimed itself the sole and divinely appointed emissaries of God with authority over the whole world.

    The Papacy declared that the Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church on earth was the prophesied Kingdom of God and that Master Y'shua had in fact ushered in the Kingdom! Only Roman Catholics were accepted as citizens of the Kingdom of God. As 'salvation' could only be found within the Church, the Papacy's authority on all points of doctrine was unquestionable. This belief could hardly be more out of touch with Master Y'shua's teachings!

    In accordance with their new authority, Catholic missionaries traveled far and wide, planting missions wherever they went and spreading the influence of the "Mother Church," the Kingdom of God. Soon the doctrine was developed that as the Apostolic Roman Catholic Church itself was the kingdom of God on earth, it was obviously destined to rule all things, including sovereign countries and the hearts and minds of everyone on the planet. The Papal Church had the power to give life and to take it away, both physically and spiritually. She could forgive sins or retain them. She was all-powerful, all knowing, and there was no aspect of human activity that she did not rightly have authority over. Her leader, the "Holy Pope," held the "Keys to the Kingdom" as the rightful heir to Saint Peter, the heir of Master Y'shua, and so nothing could stand the Church's way! As the title pope, (literally "Papa,") implies, the Roman Pontiff had actually usurped the position of the "Abba" or Father, he had for all intent and purposes assumed the position of God Himself! As the Roman emperors were deified, so too were the Roman popes. Rome seemed unstoppable! Once the people of the earth had been converted to Catholicism, one way or another, the Papacy would rule the world and destroy anyone standing in their way!

    To further its goal of world conquest, the Papacy established Militias of Saint Peter and the Holy Inquisition to extend their political and religious power bases and to enforce Roman Catholic Orthodoxy around the globe. Her power is still such that Vatican City is a sovereign nation and the Pope its theocratic head. Had it not been for the rise of Islam, the Papal intent to rule the planet might well have succeeded! Thank God the Vatican was stopped!

    Those who remained loyal to the teachings of Master Y'shua (as well as other "heretics" like Gnostics, etc.) were regularly tortured and brutally murdered or driven into hiding. The Tanakh clearly teaches that the Messiah will establish his kingdom over the earth, and yet Master Y'shua didn't accomplish that mission, for the reasons cited above. With the might of the Roman Church State the Catholic Hierarchy answered this objection with brutal conquests, countless tortures and murders by the hands of Jesuit ("Society of Jesus") Inquisitors, deceptive conversion tactics, unjust laws, propaganda, the adoption of ever more Pagan traditions, genocide and political espionage. If the messiah would not fulfill his destiny, then by all the gods of Rome the Papal Church would do it for him! And so the Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church plunged Europe into the Dark Ages and truly insane horrors filled the lands all in the name of the Prince of Peace.

    It is horribly, sadly ironic yet true that more damage has been done to the Jewish people by those who claim to follow the Jewish Messiah than by any other single group in history. Still HaShem plainly declares, "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you!"

    The tragedy of this period of Church history is what brought on the Dark Ages. What brought the world out of that bleak period were the invention of the printing press and the release of the Gutenberg Bible in the 1450's, the Protestant Reformation circa 1517, and the Authorized King James Version of 1611. Once people were able to read and understand the Bible for themselves, everything changed.

    Throughout this dark and dreadful period, Nazarenes secretly studied the Scriptures, trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. Most remained within the Roman Church, it was too dangerous not to, but their faith was in God alone. As the years went by and the Papal Church's power and teachings became ever more entrenched in the various societies and within the Church itself, the teachings of Master Y'shua were largely forgotten. Some Noahides and Noahide Nazarenes converted to Judaism, but most seem to have gradually submerged into the Papal structure.

    When the Great Church Split happened between Eastern and Western Catholicism, those in the West stayed with the Vatican, those in the East followed the lead of their local bishops. It didn't really matter which branch one followed, neither was the Way of Master Y'shua.

    Fortunately however, HaShem is most compassionate and there is truth to be found at Micah 6:6-8. HaShem is ever merciful and oft forgiving! He looks at the heart of a person and not at the externals. Since the very beginning, those who place their trust in HaShem according to their abilities and knowledge have never been abandoned nor rejected. It's not so important what one calls HaShem but that one worships Him according to their time and circumstances. HaShem is the God of the whole world. He accepts worship on Shabbat; He accepts it on Sunday or any other day. What HaShem wants is our love and devotion to the path He sets before us.

    In its unrelenting expansion, the Papal Church continued to encounter other religions. Religious beliefs can be very powerful and in those days, they were even more so. One does not simply yield one's religious beliefs just because an enemy has defeated you militarily, and the New Rome wanted victory over souls as well as nations. The Roman Empire had learned this lesson early on and had developed an effective solution. The Papal Church, using the eminently eclectic wisdom of Pagan Rome, followed the same course.

    Rather than debating local belief systems, explaining the biblical truths of a matter and thereby converting the hearts and minds of the people to the God of Israel, they convinced people that Papal Rome held to their same basic beliefs, whatever those beliefs might be. If only they would adopt the New Religion and submit to Papal authority, the conquered peoples could do and believe as they always had. They just needed to change the external appearances a bit and plug into to an existing category. Instead of worshipping Sol Invictus and honoring Yule, worship Jesus and honor Christmas and you'll be just fine. Using deceitful methods, the Roman Church's missionaries managed to incorporate many of the diverse Gentile religions into the Roman Hierarchy. Of course, once the people were converted they had to tow the established Papal line or face charges of spiritual treason and heresy.

    As the Middle Ages progressed; the charge of WitchCrafte was more frequently used against Pagans who refused to modify their beliefs. The penalties for the crime of WitchCrafte were harsh and carried out ruthlessly across most of Europe, releasing the hellish fury known as the Burning Times.

    There were several common Pagan beliefs that the Church had to regularly contended with that were quite worrisome. One very deeply held belief of many Pagans was the idea that the highest deity was feminine, not masculine. Sol Invictus could easily be exchanged for the risen Son of God, but the goddess was a different mater. The Papacy had no alternatives to offer her dedicated devotees.

    The 'Triple Goddess' reigned supreme over much of the ancient world and so the Papal Church faced stiff opposition from her worshippers. The Church put its best theologians to work on the problem and came up with a solution that redefined the Catholic Church and brought millions more under its control.

    Not only did Rome need to incorporate the diverse beliefs of other religions in order to bring rebellious groups into the Papal community, it also had to maintain the loyalty of its current members. In this example, Rome could not change so radically as to say that the God of the Bible was actually a goddess. The belief in "God the Father" was too well established and many Christians would have been outraged by such a major doctrinal change. So what to do?

    There is some evidence that Rome considered re-working the Trinity doctrine. Having been victorious in their struggles with the "Arian heresy," the Papacy had determined that the One God was eternally existent in three Holy Persons, as Father, Son and Holy Ghost. "God the Father" was a given, He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Even Rome dared not tamper with this standard. Likewise, there was no question of changing the gender of Jesus; he had to remain the "God the Son." While his persona would still require some tweaking, the basic teachings about the Christian Jesus were set and sacrosanct. The dogmas concerning the Holy Spirit however were not yet established.

    Many Catholics were unclear on whether the Holy Spirit was a "Person" or "Energy," God's Power personified perhaps. It had been generally agreed that the Holy Ghost was the "Third Person" of the Triune Godhead and that he was male, however some of the Papists clearly toyed with the idea of transforming the Spirit into a goddess to encourage Pagan conversions and make the Roman Church appear more inclusive. I say "appear" because the truth was, the Holy Apostolic Roman Catholic Church was a very exclusive system ruled by a powerful priesthood.

    This change made perfect sense from a Pagan utilitarian worldview, and the imagery of a divine Father, Mother and Child existed throughout the Pagan world. This was too overtly Pagan however, and the "test balloons" were shot down by those who retained a more Nazarene sensibility.

    No, while this considered heresy was tempting, it proved too controversial, and the Papacy scrapped the idea. The personality and nature of the Holy Ghost was never completely developed. Even today among the Holy Spirit lacks any real personality and substance. Many Christians today admit that while they can accept that "Jesus is God Incarnate," they don't really understand the Holy Spirit's role at all.

    The Papacy still needed to satisfy Pagan demands for a goddess figure however, and they hit upon a very successful solution.
    "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost."
    (Matthew 1:18)

    By this point, the Vatican had codified the dogma that Jesus was God Incarnate. Being such, they still needed to explain how his entry into the world could have taken place. They needed something miraculous because it clearly didn't occur in the normal manner. How would God take on human form?

    First they considered the traditional stories in which many Pagan deities had taken on human form. Inspired by the ancient myths, the Church developed a new variation on a very old story.

    Mary, as has been noted elsewhere, was apparently not yet married to Joseph when Y'shua was conceived. This was out of the ordinary, but not in a good way! In order to make the situation seem more acceptable and holy, Mary was declared a virgin at the time of Y'shua's conception. This explained why the people suspected that something was askew. Of course, Mary, as the holy mother of God, was pure and would never have had sexual relations out of marriage.

    For a proof text of her virginity, they took Isaiah 7:14 (which they linked to Matt 1:23, a verse that was doubtless inserted into the biblical text) and hoped that no one would check the context too closely (7:1-16)! I discuss this prophecy in detail elsewhere and so will not repeat it here. The plan worked great! Mary's child was not from any human source, like Hercules and other heroes, he was half-divine! He was the Son of God the Father! This made the Papal Jesus look better and elevated Mary as "the Mother of God," the Theotokos!

    "OK, so she's not a goddess, but she is the mother of God!" That would sell!

    But how would God impregnate the teenager?

    During the rewrite to elevate Mary as the Theotokos, it was determined that the Holy Spirit should "overshadow" or "come upon" her so that Mary would thus conceive.

    At first she even argues with the angel, "How can these things be, seeing that I have never lain with a man?" In this way the nature of the Holy Spirit was solidified somewhat in that henceforth, "He" was undeniably male and an individual rather than "simply" the power or influence exerted by God. Likewise, Mary was shown to be a righteous virginal servant of God and the mystery of Jesus' conception was solved; it was a win-win dogma! And of course, those who refused to accept it could always be tortured until they did! Some people get angry when I tell them what the Gospel of Luke says about the method of Mary's supposedly impregnated. They feel this is too graphic. That this is the official Church teaching can be easily confirmed by looking in the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church. There you will find quite clearly that Jesus was "begotten, not made." Adam was "made" ex-nihilo or from nothing, whereas Jesus, according to the Church's official catechism, was "begotten not made." The details are completely obvious from Dr. Luke's reworked account (Luke 1:34-38) and the clear meaning of the word "begotten" at places like John 3:16.

    The debate over the nature of Papal Jesus continued, and in time, it was soon decided that Papal Jesus could be both divine and human. The worshippers could worship either aspect of their Lord. Clearly, they said. this was what was meant by the Papal declaration that he was half-divine. But how was this possible? Either Master Y'shua was God or he not! After lots of debate, the theologians developed, and the Counsel of Nicea approved, the official dogma: Papal Jesus was both fully human and fully divine simultaneously. When it was pointed out that this made no sense, objectors were told, "It's a divine Mystery." The perfect out!

    But it still doesn't wash. According to the Trinity doctrine, the One God is eternally manifested in three distinct and co-eternal Persons, however according to Dr. Luke, Master Y'shua is both the Son of God the Father and the Son of the Holy Ghost. This problem seems to have been solved by ignoring it! Although Luke 1:34-37 clearly says that the Holy Ghost, "came upon her," "overshadowed her," and thus Mary conceived her son, and even though John 3:16 (and many other verses), clearly refers to Master Y'shua as "the only begotten Son of God," it appears that most Christians choose overlook the obvious implications and theological contradictions the teaching has created.

    Now, let's return to Mary for a moment. The conception of Master Y'shua, God the Son, by God Himself, through Mary, by the Holy Ghost, satisfied several doctrinal needs; what about Mary? Did the new dogma give her what she needed to attract the potential Pagan converts? Common sense would say that any woman chosen to bear the Son of God was very special indeed. She must have been very holy and righteous. Who could doubt this? However, a righteous woman, no matter how holy she might be, would not be enough to replace a goddess! Therefore, the following was added to the Bible:

    Luke 1:46-48:

    And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,
    And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.
    For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.

    Now the Papacy had New Testament support that Mary was "blessed," and that everyone would acknowledge her blessedness throughout the generations. They also had a proof text from Isaiah twisted to refer to her as the virgin Theotokos or Mother of God, which makes her unique and at least semi-divine!

    Then, out of whole cloth, the Papacy invented the doctrine that Mary also was born of a virgin! Nothing in the Bible even suggests such a thing of course. The reasoning however was that God's mother could not possibly have sin herself or it might have been transmitted to the child (why Mary's mother was not also virgin-born one dares not ask!). This is also why the Catholic Church teaches that Master Y'shua was an only child, despite clear New Testament statements to the contrary:

    Galatians 1:19:

    "But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother."

    And Matthew 12:46:

    "While he [Master Y'shua] yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him.

    Mary virgin birth even gets a cooler name than Jesus' does, the "Immaculate Conception." Yet this still wasn't enough!

    The Papal Church was on a roll! Next, they proclaimed that in order to pray to God one had to go through Jesus, and that to pray to Jesus, one had to go through Mother Mary! Jesus is a busy God, just like the Pope, and besides, Mary is so much more compassionate than he is! She'll put in a good word for you, no worries!

    Next, the "Mother of God" was elevated, at least within the Roman Church, to the position of "Divine Co-Redemptrix!" In other words, when 'God the Father' wants to save a soul, the task is now delegated to Mary and her Son! There is no longer "one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus," as the New Testament teaches now there are two co-mediators! (1Tim 2:5)... not counting the myriad official Saints!

    This new and improved Virgin Mother of God and Co-Remptrix Mary should satisfy the spiritual needs any Pagan who is looking for a new religion! One wonders if the Messiah tarries whether or not the Catholic Church will eventually become a primarily goddess based religion! It seems to be heading in that direction.

    On other fronts, as the Roman Papacy continued to develop its official dogmas, it elevated certain dead people to the status of demigods. These people are known as "Saints," a term used in the New Testament to describe all of the believers in Master Y'shua's Way. In the Roman Papal system however, Saints exist within a well-defined vast hierarchy, each having specific offices, powers, and tasks to perform. The good Catholic knows which "Patron Saint" is most inclined to answer specific types of requests and so prays accordingly, often to an idol or icon of the saint just as a good Pagan should! Of course, if the request is beyond the ability or sphere of influence of the besought saint, he or she can always take the matter up with a higher saint! This saint, in turn can go to Mother Mary, who may decide to approach Jesus with the matter and, if one is a good church member and regularly pays one's tithes, Jesus just may agree to take the matter on up the chain of command to God the Father who, perhaps, will deign to grant the request! There is nothing Jewish in this pantheon and Master Y'shua's teachings nowhere implemented such a thing.

    Needless to say, this entire affair smacks of blatant polytheism and is clearly out of sync with the strictly monotheistic teachings of the Tanakh and our Master. With the advent of this new heresy, Roman Catholics were granted a host of intercessors they could pray to that rivaled the Vedic pantheon of the Indian Sanatana Dharma!

    Other concerns that the Papal theologians addressed were holidays. The Tanakh has a number of holidays for Jews; however, the Vatican had already made it clear that they wanted a complete break with Judaism and the teachings of Master Y'shua. They adopted Pagan holidays instead.

    Most Pagan religions are nature based and hold special rites at the equinox, solstice, etc. The Papal Church decided to join with other Pagans in celebrating Yule. They re-named the ancient holiday the Christ Mass or Christmas in order to justify their observance of it. Apparently, the Papal theologians either didn't know or hid the date of Master Y'shua's actual birth and so to attract more Pagans they adopted the least likely date possible for it, Yule, the Winter Solstice when any shepherds 'tending their sheep by night' would surely have frozen their flocks off (comp. Luke 2:8)! It was a huge success and Christians joyfully adopted the ancient Pagan customs of Yule, such as decorating Christmas trees, even though such practices are directly condemned in the Tanakh (compare Jer. 10:1-11). In time Christians embraced Sunday, and most other Pagan holidays and customs. All Saints Day (Halloween or Samhain), Easter (a favorite of goddess Eostar with her rabbits and eggs), St. Michaelmas (goddess Brigid's Day), etc. as they abandoned the commands of HaShem.

    In time, the Paganization of the Church became so odorous that various Catholic priests defiantly rose and tried to reform the Church. These people did not intend to leave the "One Holy and Apostolic Roman Catholic Church." They were however intent on seriously reforming it! They protested the clearly Pagan role of Mother Mary, the selling of indulgences (by which the wealthy paid the Church to overlook their sins!) and other clear violations of the Scriptures still available to them.

    The hierarchy was too powerful and entrenched however and their efforts were thwarted. These men hoped to restore the original Nazarene Way of Master Y'shua, but by this point, they had no way of determining what those pristine teachings even were! Likewise, the people of the Church had always believed in the teachings of the Papacy, even if they acknowledged some of the Church's abuses of power, and the reformers had to maintain consistency with what people believed if they hoped to garner support for the cause.

    These reformers, these "Protestants" or "Protestors" had been trained in the Papal seminaries. Their idea of restoring true teachings was a return to the biblical faith. The problem was, the Papacy had already re-written the New Testament and replaced it with their altered version.

    The Papacy was generally viewed as God's representatives on earth and there was no way a group of priests would be allowed to threaten their power bases! The Roman See fought back and the Protestants were forced out of "Mother Church" as a warning to others who might be contemplating similar actions. As it was generally conceded that there is no salvation outside Church of Rome, the Papacy doubtless assumed this would be the end of the troublemakers.

    The Protestant leaders were unprepared for excommunication and the reformers scattered, each Protestant developing his own take on what the received Bible really taught. The result was the creation of myriad conflicting, though loosely connected, denominations and sects known generally as Protestantism. This category includes denominations like the Lutherans, the Baptists, the Presbyterians, and the Methodists etc. From such Protestant denominations, there later arose sects such as the Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and The Church of Latter Day Saints and so on. There are thousands of Protestant denominations, sects and cults.

    The Papacy survived the Reformation of course and remains the largest body of Christendom. Under pressures from within and without, the Catholic Church has undergone serious reforms itself. Although the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches remain largely Pagan institutions espousing many unbiblical heresies, among these institutions are many sincere Christians who are doubtless accepted by HaShem and Master Y'shua dues to their faith and sincerity. The same is true for Protestant Christians and others who seek to know and follow HaShem with the knowledge they have been given.

    The Christian Church today is segmented: the Roman, Eastern, Anglican, Protestants, as well as the various heterodoxies within the Church, are all divided and wracked by internal and external conflicts, dissent and conflicting teachings. This situation was foretold by John the Revelator in his overview of Church history:

    Revelation 3:

    14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
    15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
    16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
    17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
    18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
    19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

    For John's entire summary of Church history see, Revelations 2:1-3:22.

    Most people today have the ability to freely consider the facts for themselves, and to decide what is true and what is religious fiction. I encourage you to ask the question: What did Master Y'shua actually teach and believe? The time has come for the Noahide Nazarene Way of Master Y'shua to resurface and restore his original teachings. In the end, each of us will stand before the Throne of HaShem and give an accounting of what we have done with the gifts we've been given.

    So, what's a person to do? First, learn the truth. Most everything we know about Master Y'shua comes from the clearly corrupted New Testament. So, where are we to get our teachings? What authorities are we to accept when it comes to doctrine?

    For Noahide Nazarenes there is a single truly dependable source. In the absence of better information, we accept the following as our measures of the One Truth:

    The Tanakh: The Written Word of HaShem: While it is preferable to study the Tanakh in Hebrew, this is not required. There are several good translations available in most languages. We acknowledge that there appears to have been a few minor errors in the transmission of the Torah, Nevi'im and Kethuvim, however these do not affect the authenticity or overall teachings of the texts. The Tanakh is our primary source of written information about HaShem and His Will.

    The New Testament: Despite its tampering, this is still an ancient source of information about our Master, his work, teachings and early followers. It must be carefully studied and sifted for its authentic content.

    Prayer and Meditation: HaShem will lead those who sincerely ask for guidance. As Master Y'shua taught us, "Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find." Each person stands or falls before HaShem individually. Rest assured however, that no one who seeks the grace of HaShem is ever rejected. Melchizedek, our eternal Noahide High Priest, continually makes intercession for everyone who cries out to HaShem for understanding and mercy. HaShem is most compassionate and kind. He will not ignore the cries of His children. HaShem alone judges souls; He will guide and keep those who place their faith in Him.

    The original Faith propagated by our Master was a reformed Judaism, and it was intended for the Jewish people, not for the Noahides. He was rejected however and his mercy then extended to the Noahides.

    The Master's followers, lead by the Holy Spirit then opened the door of their Jewish Movement to Noahides. The Noahide Nazarene Way is neither a Jewish Movement nor a Christian denomination. It is a branch of the Noahide Way or religion begun by Father Noah and updated by Master Y'shua. Here then is the beginning of the Noahide Nazarene Movement:

    Acts 10:

    1 There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band,
    2 A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway.
    3 He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius.
    4 And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.
    5 And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter:
    6 He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea side: he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do.
    7 And when the angel which spake unto Cornelius was departed, he called two of his household servants, and a devout soldier of them that waited on him continually;
    8 And when he had declared all these things unto them, he sent them to Joppa.
    9 On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour:
    10 And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance,
    11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:
    12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.
    13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.
    14 But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.
    15 And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.
    16 This was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven.
    17 Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made inquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate,
    18 And called, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there.
    19 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.
    20 Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them.
    21 Then Peter went down to the men which were sent unto him from Cornelius; and said, Behold, I am he whom ye seek: what is the cause wherefore ye are come?
    22 And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee.
    23 Then called he them in, and lodged them. And on the morrow Peter went away with them, and certain brethren from Joppa accompanied him.
    24 And the morrow after they entered into Caesarea. And Cornelius waited for them, and had called together his kinsmen and near friends.
    25 And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him.
    26 But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man.
    27 And as he talked with him, he went in, and found many that were come together.
    28 And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.
    29 Therefore came I unto you without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent for: I ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me?
    30 And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and, behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing,
    31 And said, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God.
    32 Send therefore to Joppa, and call hither Simon, whose surname is Peter; he is lodged in the house of one Simon a tanner by the sea side: who, when he cometh, shall speak unto thee.
    33 Immediately therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God.
    34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
    35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
    36 The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)
    37 That word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached;
    38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
    39 And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree:
    40 Him God raised up the third day, and showed him openly;
    41 Not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead.
    42 And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.
    43 To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.
    44 While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.
    45 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.
    46 For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter,
    47 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?
    48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.
    For the origins of the holy Noahide Nazarene Way, we must return to the days of Noah. Our Covenant begins there.

    Other than Noah and his family, the people of the earth had all left the Ways of HaShem and were washed away in the deluge. After the Flood HaShem spoke to our common Father and made known His heart. We are all God's children and HaShem loves us all more than we can possibly imagine.

    We simply must put aside our differences, cling to HaShem alone and learn to respect and honor one another. The greatest commandment of HaShem is that we love the HaShem our God with our complete beings and love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

    Considering how different we all are this may seem impossible, and yet we must do our best, knowing that the Messiah will come if we prepare ourselves to receive him.
    Micah 6:6-8
    6. With what shall I come before HaShem,
    And bow myself before the High God?
    Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings,
    With calves a year old?

    7. Will HaShem be pleased with thousands of rams,
    Ten thousand rivers of oil?
    Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression,
    The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
    8. He has shown you, O man, what is good;
    And what HaShem requires of you
    Only to do justly,
    To love mercy,
    And to walk humbly with your God?

    This has been a basic summary of our Noahide Nazarene beliefs. More information is available in the other articles on this web site and this article will be updated from time to time so do check back.

    Do be aware no official body speaks for Noahide Nazarenes (nor for Noahides in general) and that each of us must prayerfully study to show ourselves approved unto HaShem.
      Jagannatha Prakash

    This Study of the Noahide Nazarene Way Continues in Part Four