Friday, July 24, 2020

United Nations Noahide organization says Hinduism created by Jews, based on Noahide law

If You Are Unfamiliar With The Noahide Laws vist:

Please See Our Sister Blog:
Exposing The Hindu American Foundation's Connections To Noahidism

The Institute for Noahide Code (www. is the organization that got the United Nations to sign on to the idea that the Noahide Laws are a "requirement" (here); they also list decapitation as a requirement for Noahide courts on their website (here). Some time ago the Institute for Noahide Code posted an article on their website which claims that the "Brahmins" were actually the children of aBRAHAM and that these children went forth to India and created the Vedic religion, but that it was later corrupted with "non-monotheism". This is similar to statements that Hindu "dharma" is the same as Noahide Law (here) and that Manu was the same person as Noah (here).

Prospectives on Noahide Laws
from Rabbi Dr Shimon Cowen, Perspectives on the Noahide laws – Universal Ethics (C) S.D. Cowen 2003.

"After the passing of the matriarch Sarah, the mother of Isaac, Abraham had further sons from Ketura (or Hagar[10]), the mother of Yishmael. These sons, the Bible, relates, were sent off to the East by Abraham. Rabbi Menashe ben Israel in his work Nishmas Chayim[11], states that these sons went to India and disseminated the teachings of Abraham concerning the eternity and reincarnation of the soul. He associates the term “Brahman”, (presumably referring to the priestly Hindu caste) with what were originally “Abrahamin”, the sons of Abraham. Buddhism is in turn a derivative of Hinduism. Hence, traces of “Abrahamic” Noahide theology, are to be found in both these Eastern religions, even though they came to be embedded in religions which were otherwise non-monotheistic[12]. The adherents of Hindusim and Buddhism constitute another 21% of the world’s population, so that in total 76% of the world’s population is associated with religions influenced by the children of Abraham. It is interesting to note that another 14%, officially classed as “non-believing” are largely to be accounted for as the result of Chinese, former Soviet Russian and Eastern bloc political training in atheism – in historical terms, a relatively recent overlay over a much deeper collective memory."

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