Tuesday, June 10, 2025

Noahide India Watch

If You Are Unfamiliar With The Noahide Laws vist:

Please See Our Sister Blog:
Exposing The Hindu American Foundation's Connections To Noahidism


Noahidist Jews Publish Dangerously Hateful Anti-Hindu Cartoon
Jewish Noahidist Makes Veiled Hate Comment Against Hindu Shiva Atatue At CERN
Radical Jew seeks Noahide converts in India
Jewish professor with projects in India aids Indian Noahide community
Chabad Noahide Evangelism In Mumbai
Noahide and Schneerson loving Rabbi suggests Hindu guru is animalistic, Hinduism idolatry, India full of lies
Noahides destroying Indian culture with Bar Mitzvahs and Bat Mitzahs
Jerusalem based Noahide academy requesting and receiving foreign funds to convert Indian Noahides
26/11 Mumbai Jewish Chabad house memorialized with Noahide Law
Indian writer compares George Orwell's "Animal Farm" to Noahidism. Foreshadowing?


Thursday, December 12, 2024

Another Fundraiser for a new Noahide community in India - Baruch Shalom

 See Table Of Contents

Another Noahide community has sprung up in India called Baruch Shalom. They are growing so fast that they are raising funds to expand their meeting hall. 


Created by our Noahide friend, Baruch Shalom. They are currently meeting in a small room and would like to renovate and expand it. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community. Our foundation has been working hard with the help of our members and volunteers to help individuals in our area. Our work is dedicated to funding and delivering charitable services, and we strive to inspire and improve the lives of those who need assistance.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Jew says Hinduism is idol worship and Hindus would be killed "in this world"

 See Table Of Contents

Here, a radical Noahidist Jew says Hinduism is idolatry and Hindus should be killed "in this world".  

Jew says Hinduism is idol worship and Hindus would be killed "in this world"


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Ex-Hindu shares his journey to becoming a Noahide, Apophatic Hypostatic Mystic, @293Tanish on X


Apophatic Hypostatic Mystic (@293Tanish on X) is a former Hindu who became a Noahide.  My text interview with him is below. He was converted by a Hindu-Noahide named Noahide Brah whom I interviewed (here).

Thursday, October 10, 2024

There is another Noahide fund raiser in India to meet the space needs of growing congregations

See Table Of Contents

If You Are Unfamiliar With The Noahide Laws vist:

Please See Our Sister Blog:
Exposing The Hindu American Foundation's Connections To Noahidism

The Noahide movement in growing in India so fast they are now raising funds to get more space for congregations. 


Blessing our B'nei Noakh family in India

Shalom, I'm Dvora DeAngélis. I have been privileged, since 2014, to get to know a wonderful and thriving B'nei Noakh (Noahide) community in India. They have encountered a problem; a GOOD problem - they need more room because they're growing!
Many years ago, like Abram & Sarai, Arjunarao & Suvarna Kakara, began their path of Torah in the midst of other faiths to teach about the One True G*d of Israel and the path of the Righteous Gentile. Now, over 16 yrs, with changed names (Yadidyah & Shoshana) like Abraham & Sarah, they have built a cohesive Bnei Noakh community and are assisted by their sons Baruch Shalom, Teza, with his wife, Sharon, AND Ophir and his wife Sam, in spreading the knowledge of the Universal Code of 7 (Laws of Noah), as well as taking care of orphans and widows in their village and surrounding area.
I truly wish we (my husband, Dveed & I) could fund the expansion on our own. Yet it is a blessing for all of us to get involved; to bless & be blessed. Even if you can not give at this time, please share. We can definitely help our sisters & brothers over there. WE CAN do this together. Thank you :-D

Friday, March 8, 2024

Rabbi says "Hindu" and "Indian" idol-worshippers don't deserve to live

See Table Of Contents

Famous Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi has said that the planet's 6 Billion "idolaters" don't deserve to live.  Including in this number are "Hindus" and "Indians" by name.

6 Billion Idol Worshippers Don’t Deserve To Live?
